The Grand Budapest Hotel film analysis
Summary of the film A teenage girl approaches a statue of an individual merely classified "Author." We then cut to the Author, who begins to tell us about his visit to The Grand Budapest Hotel many years ago. We see the Author's younger self staying at the hotel years before. It is here that he meets the hotel's owner, Mr. Zero Moustafa, who tells the author that he enjoys his writing and invites him to dinner to tell him how he came to own the hotel. We travel back in time to 1932, when The Grand Budapest Hotel was thriving. Gustave, the hotel's meticulous and highly competent concierge, has a habit of sleeping with the hotel's wealthy older guests and is currently involved in an affair with Madame D., a wealthy dowager countess in her 80s. Gustave gets to know of Madame D.'s death fairly soon after her visit. He and the new lobby boy, Zero, a younger version of Mr. Moustafa, pay their respects at Madame D's house. They find her children, extended fa...