How audiences consume media?


This post will be looking at preferred, negotiated and oppositional reading as well as the four types of why as to consuming the media shown 


             Rotten mango podcast

Preferred reading

For this podcast it could be the constant theories of unsolved cases, they push different theories and not just one so the audience can decode the meaning and asses for themselves which theories suit best

Negotiated reading

They are prone to viciously sharing opinion and it might not be offending to some

Oppositional reading

Sources for the case presented in the podcast can include tabloids and unreliable sources

Vanity fair article on Anna Delvey

Preferred reading

The article is filled with very vivid details of the encounter and also evidence in proving how fake Anna Sorokin or Anna Delvey really is.

Negotiated reading

The article does bring up Anna as a special and even inspiring person. They didn’t see her as a felon who was convicted on eight charges, including second-degree grand larceny, theft of services, and first-degree attempted grand larceny.

Oppositional reading

 The writer of the article even when she got scammed, made more money because of exposing the scam and is almost portrayed and seen as a social climber and a social justice warrior

Why do we consume that media? (rotten mango podcast)

  1. Personal identity

We can compare personal experiences and help trauma bonding over cases that they cover as the podcast shows a lot of different cases from different backgrounds and feel safe that they’re not the only ones in this world to be or was in that situation

  1. Diversion

The podcast is filled with lighthearted comments and funny yet interesting storytelling allowing audiences to relax while listening to the podcast.

  1. Surveillance

The podcast is quite up to date and shows cases from different time ages like cases from the 70s and such. The audience can keep alert as the podcast often tells viewers how the crime happens, how audiences can deter from being in a situation similar to the crimes displayed.

  1. Social Relationships

The podcast host is quite relatable and the sassy, goofy personality she has brings a lot of light to these often dark cases.

The podcast is hosted by two people so the difference in opinion also shows the different sides of the case the audience can perceive it as. This also makes the audience want to talk to others (in this case the true crime community in reddit for example) and discuss the different theories, how just the sentencing was and etc.

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