Media Theories Revision

:) yay lots of theories,,,,slay


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Media ownership / regulationSonia Livingstone & Peter Lunt
  • 'Regulation' refers to the rules and restrictions that every media industry has to follow.
  • The increasing power of global media corporations, together with the rise of convergent media technologies and developments in the production, distribution and marketing of digital media have placed traditional approaches to media regulation at risk.
  •  For example the UK film industry must use the BBFC's age certifications, and television must adhere to OFCOM's regulations 
  • OFCOM in particular regulates the tv, radio, vod, telecoms & etc to ensure that the right content reaches the right audience and that for example: a r rated commercial doesn't reach a child viewing a pg rated content shown after.
SynergyThe impact of using a cross-media approach to engage the target audience is referred to as media synergy. Most companies in the cultural industries employ this strategy.

Case Study : Men In Black

Having started the lavish collaboration between Sony Pictures and Lexus, which named the automotive company as the film's official vehicle supplier! All through the film, Lexus vehicles were featured as the official fleet of Men in Black agents worldwide, with the 2020 Lexus RC F taking on a starring role as the vehicle of choice for Men in Black agents... (and can also be seen in the trailer!).

The 2020 Lexus RC F was the show's star, but the Lexus RX Hybrid and Lexus LX SUVs also had supporting roles and an alien encounter or two throughout Men in Black: International. Men in Black has a brand image of being sophisticated and having a wealthy lifestyle, fancy cars, lovely alcoholic beverages, so partnering with Lexus stands to reason because it ties in with their overall brand image. Lexus may also want to be involved in a partnership with MIB because they are perceived as an advanced and powerful vehicle that is used elegantly.
Cross Media ConvergenceConvergence of media occurs when multiple products combine to form a single product that combines the benefits of all of them. involving multiple forms of public communication: Their marketing campaign includes coverage on television, radio, newspapers, and the internet.

Case Study: Ray Ban and Top Gun Maverick

According to myth, Ray-Ban was having a bad time in the 1980s. So, in order to increase their popularity, Ray-Ban hired a product placement agency called Unique (now known as UPP) to get Ray-Ban into the biggest films and on the faces of the hottest celebrities. And they did exactly that. Tom Cruise first wore Ray-Bans Wayfarer sunglasses in 1983's RISKY BUSINESS, followed by their Aviators in TOP GUN (1986). To this day, these are arguably two of the most iconic sunglasses models in the world. This is due in large part to product placement.

Ray-Ban received over eight and a half minutes of screen time in TOP GUN: MAVERICK (2022). As a result, less than in the original. It did, however, have a higher quality of exposure because its logo was visible 19% of the time. 
New MediaRonald E. Rice defined the following media as communication technologies that allow or expedite user-to-user interaction as well as user-to-information interaction. This definition replaces the traditional "one-to-many" model of mass communication with the possibility of a "many-to-many" communication web. Broadly speaking, new media theory conceptualizes the implications of digital technologies, ranging from the novel sociopolitical configurations fostered by computer-mediated communication to the aesthetic and cultural significance of digital culture.Over the past few years, new media has involved the development of new technology such as the internet that has helped aid media industries in  creating new products such as having online fan concerts for example, as seen in the recent 2020 covid pandemic which affected the way audiences were able to view live and hence brought forward live streaming to become more popular in the 2000s onwards.
Two Step FlowPaul LazarsfeldAccording to the two-step flow of communication model, most individuals develop their views through the influences of thought leaders, who are swayed by the mass media.One instance involves the way a powerful political pundit interprets news from the media and expresses their opinion to the public. The political commentator is the opinion leader in this scenario, sharing one‘s viewpoint of the news with the general public. Elections are included in step flow theory. In the 2017 UK general election, for example, Prime Minister Teresa May did not participate in an upcoming debate with six other party leaders. An opinion leader may have watched the debate and then told their non-debate friends that the Prime Minister bottled up because she was afraid to debate with the other leaders.
Technological ConvergenceHenry Jenkins The term "technological convergence" refers to the combination of previously unrelated technologies, often in a single device. The predisposition for previously unrelated technologies to grow increasingly tightly aligned, and perhaps even centralized, as they create and progress. Smartphones may be the best example of such convergence. Watches, telephones, television, computers, and social media platforms, for example, undertook as completely seperate and often unrelated technologies, yet have since converged in several ways into an interconnected telecommunications, media, and technology industry.
Genre TheoryStuart HallAccording to Stuart Hall's REPRESENTATION theory, there is no true representation of people or events in a text, but there are numerous ways these can be represented. As a result, producers attempt to 'fix' a meaning (or understanding) of people or events in their texts.Film producers started coming up with sensible choices in regards to how they would categorize and begin building their own narratives in this new medium, taking inspiration from such early pulp novels and other genres from literature and art. As a result, in addition to story arcs, characters, and plot points, filmmakers began to incorporate genre signifiers into how they wrote their scripts, lit their scenes, set up their camera shots and angles, and even how they produced, edited, and marketed their films. For example, in the satire and quirky comedy genre, which primarily targets women, famous works such as Mean Girls and 30 Rock, all performed by Tina Fey, became synonymous within its genre and continue to influence it.
DesensitizationDesensitization in the setting of media violence refers to a process "through which preliminary arousal replies to violent stimuli are reduced, thus also shifting a person's 'current internal state. Desensitization is a process that has frequently been used to explain viewers' emotional reactions to violent media. Chronic social media use has normalized disturbing images, violence, and hatred for youth, who are bombarded with images and ideas that would normally unsettle the average person, and who do not think twice about the violence and hatred that is commonly spewed online.
Reception TheoryStuart HallAccording to Stuart Hall, media texts contain a variety of messages that are encoded (created/inserted) by producers and decoded (understood) by audiences. As a result, what we see is merely a "re-presentation" of what the producers want us to see. Reception theory is a subset of reader response literary theory that emphasizes each reader's reception or interpretation of a literary text in order to derive meaning from it.
Cultivation TheoryGeorge GerbnerCultivation theory serves as a sociological and communications blueprint for investigating the long-term impacts of mass media, dominant themes in particular to television. It implies that individuals who are habitually subjected to certain media for long periods of time recognise the world's social structure as it is similarly displayed through the media to which they are attributed to, which influences their attitudes and behaviors.For example: Even if they are aware that the shows are fictitious, people who watch a lot of crime dramas may come to believe that the world is a more dangerous place than it is. To counteract this, more media literacy is required.
5 Narrative CodesRoland BarthesAccording to theorist Roland Barthes, all narratives share structural characteristics which are woven together in various ways. Regardless of the variations between personal narratives, all narratives use a limited amount of hierarchical structures (specifically, five) that influence our reading of texts. Hermeneutic code, proairetic code, cultural code, connotative code, and symbolic code are the five narrative codes.Hermeneutic codes are abundant in horror stories. "Scream" (1996) is a classic slasher film with some great twists and turns until the audience discovers who is behind the murders. Before the final reveal about what is going on in the house in Jordan Peele's "Get Out" (2017), the protagonist makes some disturbing discoveries. These stories succeed because of their brilliant use of enigma codes. A really successful example of an action code in proairetic codes is the dramatic and visceral fight sequence between Captain America and Iron Man in "Captain America: Civil War" (2016). Because it is not a traditional conflict between good and evil, the audience is eager to see who will triumph. 
Binary OppositesLevi StraussAccording to the theory of 'binary opposites,' the majority of narratives in media forms such as books and film feature opposing main characters. Such binary opposites plump up the plot, advance the narrative, and add contrast. According to Levi-Strauss, the human mind classifies things through binary opposition, or contrasts between two opposite things. This binary opposition is what causes cultures to think in terms of good and evil.In a superhero film, this could be good vs. evil, in a horror film, human vs. supernatural, and in a comedy, young vs. old. The problem with binary opposites is that they frequently perpetuate negative stereotypes. For example, if the binary opposite was man vs. woman, the man may be portrayed as'strong,' whereas the woman is the 'damsel in distress,' according to gender stereotypes.
GlobalisationThe occurrence of expanding massive companies media incentive to invest, leading to the creation of a worldwide oligarchy of those first corporate entities owning and operating a variety of mass media content and distribution technologies such as television, radio, film, music, and so on, is referred to as media globalization.
  • True beauty - indonesian hallyu fans choice award 2021 best kdrama ⇒ cultural imperialism (exercise of domination in cultural relationships in which the values, practices, and meanings of a powerful foreign culture are imposed upon one or more native cultures**) (eg: k-culture present in indonesia)**

The webtoon version was a megahit in South Korea when it became adapted as a drama, unfortunately, it didn't get as much hype domestically, instead it as more popular globally with it still being one of the most beloved kdramas till this day.

Social LearningAlbert BanduraAlbert Bandura's social learning theory highlights the significance of surveillance, model construction, as well as mimicking the behaviour patterns, perceptions, and emotional responses of others. Both cognitive and environmental considerations collaborate to impact human learning and behavior, according to social learning theory.


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