Statement of intent

This is the statement of intent for our group. This is done by Rania


Our target audience is made up of young adults between the ages of 12 and 25. With the integration of both male and female beauty standards, we target both genders. Although the documentary is intended for a global audience, we will primarily target Western and Asian audiences. Students in high school and college are typically affected by this issue, which is why this video focuses on them. We think a simple, sincere approach would be welcomed by our audience. 

Media Language 

This documentary is intended for people who are interested in healthy living, exercise, cooking, and eating. The dramatic lighting, dramatic scene, ambient and tense music, as well as the narrative, which will bear the weight of our message that we want to transmit to people, are the genre norms we will portray.


We will speak for youth and young adults alike, students as we share a nostlagia-like film. The music video will portray them in a way that shows seniors on the verge of their senior year.. 


The distribution of this work will take place on social media sites like YouTube and streaming services like Netflix. We may include new media into our promotional strategies by using Twitter and Instagram to generate interest in our documentary. Since we are primarily interested in students, we will use posters to spread awareness of our campaign across the school. We can ensure that our media output reaches as many viewers as possible by utilising social media. 


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